


星座:射手座 不详 160cm



代表作:摩登家庭 第一季,难以置信,火线警探 第六季,消消气 第八季,火线警探 第三季


  Dever was born in Phoenix, Arizona.[3] At the age of five, she began her interest in the performing arts with her parents sending her to an acting school. She also participated in gymnastics, ballet and skating, until she focused on acting. Her family then moved to Dallas, Texas, where she enrolled at the Dallas Young Actors Studio in a month-long acting program. Honing her acting skills at the studio, she booked a number of commercials, before moving to Los Angeles.[3]  Dever's first notable acting role was in the American Girl film An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong (2009) as Gwen Thompson, a bullied homeless girl. In 2011, she was cast in a recurring role as Loretta McCready in the FX series Justified during show's second season. That same year she was cast as a series regular in the ABC sitcom Last Man Standing starring Tim Allen.[4]  Dever's other television credits include Make It or Break It, Modern Family, Private Practice, Party Down, The Mentalist and Curb Your Enthusiasm.  Her 2011 film credits include, Cinema Verite, Bad Teacher and the Clint Eastwood-directed film J. Edgar. 早年经历 凯特琳·德弗出生在菲尼克斯,后来在父亲的工作影响下随家人搬到了德州的达拉斯,她从小就展现出来表演天赋,她经常模仿电视上人们的言行举止。于是她进入了达拉斯年轻演员工作室学习了表演课程。9岁时,凯特琳·德弗在母亲的陪同下去往洛杉矶。在洛杉矶,母亲找了份简单的工作来养活凯特琳,父亲在留在达拉斯为家庭努力工作。在洛杉矶,她得到了登上电视脱口秀《周六夜现场》的特别节目《TheBestofWillFerrell》的试镜机会,饰演了一个戴着假发和大眼镜的女孩 演艺经历 2017年,与泰尔·谢里丹合作出演电影《夏日将止》;同年,与埃迪·法可合作出演电影《从外而内》。2018年,与休·杰克曼合作出演电影《领先者》;同年,与提莫西·查拉梅合作出演电影《漂亮男孩》。2019年,与比妮·费尔德斯坦合作出演的电影《高材生》上映;同年,主演电视迷你剧《难以置信》。 个人生活 家庭凯特琳·德弗的父亲提姆·德弗是最初是美国菲尼克斯市的滑冰教练,后来成为儿童电视节目角色紫色小恐龙Barney的配音演员,他也因该角色去了达拉斯工作。凯特琳·德弗还有两个妹妹。 获奖记录 好莱坞影评人协会奖 2020第3届好莱坞影评人协会奖最佳23岁及以下女演员《高材生》(获奖) 金球奖 2020第77届金球奖电视类-限定剧/电视电影最佳女主角《难以置信》(提名) 人物评价 凯特琳·德弗是个表演技术娴熟且具有恒心的演员,在她身上可以看见詹妮弗·劳伦斯的影子。她凭借充满活力且多变的的银幕表演得到了他人的极大尊重。她通过电影《少年收容所》中的突出表现让她所饰演的问题少女成为电影的亮点。在电影《底特律》中,凯特琳·德弗在沉重无情的题材下表现的不慌不乱,尽力诠释自己的角色。凯特琳·德弗给人一种文雅和专业的感觉,她就像是一块海绵,总是在不断地观察和吸收其他经验丰富的演员的演技。她不同寻常的、钢铁般的决心让她不断地收获着果实。



